
  • 别名:límíng中国香港首尔艺术大学演技科
  • 身高:154cm78kgAB型
  • 职业:演员狮子座
  • 出生日期:1985-03-29中国


参演影片 绿窻红泪 如意吉祥 再访香城艳 花木兰 红衣女侠Heroine with a red mantle 歌唱沙三少 金丝蝴蝶 画皮Thepainted skin 将错就错Over shoes over boots 相亲相爱 明珠记 正宗保镳 想要嫁番客I want to marry an overseas chinese 我要活下去 抢亲Emergency wedding 番婆弄Shrews from afar 蜜月风云Honeymoon hiccups 魂断蓝桥Tragedy on the blue bridge 何仙姑Theimmortal He Xiangu 慈母心Amother\'s heart 宁静海Thesilent lake 天生一对The funny couple 七夕雨Reunion in the rain 双喜临门Double happiness 楚霸王 越战仅存者Without a promised land 风铃,风铃Love rings a bell 假凤虚凰Phony phoenixes 剑侠金缕衣(大结局) 剑侠金缕衣(上集) 金凤姑娘Miss Jinfeng. 假正经Thefrivolous professor 查某爱吃醋The jealous woman 群芳谱Four girls from Hong Kong 龙女三娘The dragon\'s daughter 昆仑三女侠夜盗香魂帕 马陵道Thevalley of death 风火送慈云(上集) Taoist wind and fire escorts crown Prince Chi-wan, part one 狡妇疴鞋The sly woman 美男子Mr.Handsome 阿绣Agirl called Ah Sau 迎春花 猪八戒招亲Pigsy takes a wife 少女心Hearts, no flowers 人头奇案The mystery of the human head 一滴侠义血(上集) A drop of chilvarous blood (Part 1) 兰闺阴影The shadow 重婚泪Thetragedy of a double marriage 长恨天 苦尽甘来Success follows sorrow 豪门夜宴The banquet 新恋爱世纪Love generation Hong Kong 情侠情仇Affection and hatred of the knight 春风得意凤和鸣The adventure of Yau Lung 相见欢 红粉冤情 满园春色"Ah, it\'s spring!" 惊弓鸟Anarrow escape 儿女恩仇Fortitude of life 万里行尸The voyage of the dead 周末传奇The week-end adventures 美人计Thelady racketeer 双女情歌Love songs of the twins 紫霞杯 贴错门神At odds with each other 玉碎花残Distinction between sisters 审妻Wife on trial 屋Thehutonhilltop 蛮女斗七雄The 7 heroes versus the shrew 霸王花Theinspector wears skirts 龙翔凤舞Calendar girl 火葬生妲己Tan Kei\'s death by fire 假夫妻Phony couple 万劫鸳鸯 爱情谜语Chaos by design 乱点鸳鸯Double twins 哥哥的情人Three summers 黄飞鸿伏二虎How Wong Fei-hung subdued the two tigers 秋海棠Theactor\'s romance 皇天后土The coldest winter in Peking 回转寿尸Midnight zone 花花世界This merry world 卧虎村Thevillage of Crouching Tiger 妖兽都市The wicked city 守得云开见月明The faithful wife 好夫妻Agood couple 生死门Life and death entrance 未婚夫妻 三凤求凰 西游记Journey to the west 愿嫁鬼新郎 雷雨Thunderstorm 摄青鬼Aghostly tale 赌神3之少年赌神God of gambler\'s 3 - The early stage 方世玉与胡惠干The story of Fong Sai-yuk and Wu Wai-kin 爱(上集) Love, (part 1) 蜜月 蟋蟀皇帝 飘零雁Thedrifting girl 白骨阴阳剑The ingentious swords, part one 十夜柔情Ten tender nights 离婚之喜 真心英雄A hero never dies 槟城艳Belle in Penang 玻璃之城City of glass 空中小姐Wind beneath the wings 龙腾四海Gun n\' rose 回魂夜Outofthedark 四千金Four loves 富贵花开并蒂莲Rich and happy 男男女女Men and women 唐伯虎点秋香How the scholar Tong Pak-fu won the maid Chau-heung 战神传说The moon warriors 战地奇女子 女大女世界Maiden\'s heart 缘份新天空Give love a chance 弄假成真When pretence becomes reality 楼下闩水喉Save your water supply 堕落天使Fallen angels 刘海遇仙记Liu Hai meets fairies 大地Thegood earth 疯妇Themadwoman 女侠俞金凤The heroine Yu Kam-fung 满江红Thesong of love 落霞孤鹜Many aspects of love 痴情快婿Fun and fury 都市猎人Missing man 都市情缘= Love and the city 甜蜜蜜Comrades, almost a love story 新同居时代In between 愈快乐愈堕落Hold you tight 爱您爱到杀死您Killing me tenderly 爱(续集) Love, the sequel 意乱情真Cast love 偷情先生City squeeze 鬼新娘Ghost bride 云海玉弓缘The jade bow 神算Themagic touch 真假凶手Who\'s the real murderer? 湖山盟Thescholar and the woman ghost 残月离魂The ghost that was not 家Family 假如我是真的If I were for real 骨肉喜重逢Seeing my child again 笑星降地球 谁怜后母心 飞狐外传The sword of many lovers 风尘三女侠Why wild girls 摩登新娘 银灯魔影 豪门孽债The insulted and injured 逼上梁山 清宫秘史Sorrows of the Forbidden City 珠江泪 恩恩爱爱 铜锤侠大战九花娘(上,下集) 西厢记 毒降头 歌唱伦文叙 故园春梦Garden of repose 恨不相逢未嫁时If only we\'d met when I was single 城市猎人City hunter 昆仑三剑侠(下集) 午夜魂归Ghost at midnight 对错亲家 飞刀李凤娇 周成嫂万里寻夫Madam Zhou Cheng in search of her husband. 包公夜审郭槐Judge Bao\'s night trial of Guo Huai 火烧百花台Flower terrace 茶花泪 明珠泪痕 长短脚之恋Fractured follies 金鹰Thegolden eagle 金鼎游龙 三打祝家庄(下集) 恩重情深 金粉世家(大结局) The family of Kum, concluding episode 金粉世家The family of Kum, part one 荒江女侠大破蜈蚣阵 峨嵋飞剑侠误闯风火岛 金玉满堂 皆大欢喜 初入情场A cadet in love\'s battle 江湖奇侠 梁冷艳(下集) 梁冷艳(上集) 济公三气华云龙 江湖廿四侠 神侠金罗汉 武状元苏乞儿King of beggars 大独裁者 明月照尖东With or without you 武潘安大闹三门街 屈原ChuYuan 井底冤魂 徭山夺艳记The beautiful girl of Yao Mountain 春风秋雨 夜半1点钟01:00 AM 碧海恩仇 打雀遇鬼 方世玉万里报师仇 儿孙福Everyone loves grandpa 牛郎织女 黑妖妇 穆桂英 武则天 梦里西施 济公活佛 一生儿女债 一剑定江山 飞燕迎春 慈母杀娇儿 本地状元 荆棘幽兰 四大天王 步步追踪 李仙Story of Lee Sin 刁蛮宫主 妙想天开 吉人天相 我爱法拉利To love Ferrari 仙童玉女 颠鸾倒凤 飞天女侠 飞金刚大战牛魔王 七月落薇花 望穿秋水 归来燕 荡妇魂归 金粉世家(上,下集) 血染霓裳 游凤戏龙 怪侠独眼龙 似水流年That was my son 第一号战犯 白头情侣 卿本佳人 牛精良大闹香港 西游记第壹佰零壹回之月光宝盒A Chinese Odyssey part one - Pandora\'s box 含笑饮砒霜 西游记大结局之仙履奇缘A Chinese Odyssey part two - Cinderella 冷暖天鹅 沙三少与银姐 藕断丝连 血绣鞋Herblood-stained shoes 红楼鬼影 辣手蛇心 狂风雨后花 血屋惊魂 妻娇郎更娇 女镖师(续集) 老夫子与大蕃薯Master Cute and Da Fanshu 老夫子三救傻仔明 街头博士 永春三娘 左慈戏曹操 侠盗锦毛鼠 回魂夜Thenight of spirit returns 八美图 燕双飞 狂风暴雨 姊妹花 凶手寻凶 伙头福星Shogun & little kitchen 飞天蠄蟧 玉女芳踪My darling daughter 正乞儿! Give & take... Oh! shit! 打破玉笼飞彩凤The phoenix\'s escape 四个32A和一个香蕉少年Those were the days 四大家族之龙虎兄弟Legend of the brothers 可怜的妈妈 半张碌架床A half bed space 半生缘Eighteen springs 仙人掌Run 父之过Blame it on father 巴士银妙计除三害 巴士银巧破豪门计 少小离家老大回Human cargo, part 1 小倩AChinese ghost story 小姐,先生,师奶 女生外向 大雷雨Bigthunderstorm 大?嘢Allover the world 千方百计抢财神Fake saviour 刀Theblade 真假新郎 人隔万重山The unfinished love 卖花女 国魂Thesoul of China 海角红楼(上集) 从此萧郎陌路人 樊梨花 一味靠滚To live by trick 蚕虫师爷 周身胆闹广州 Yes一族Fruit punch 孽海痴魂下集 孽海痴魂(上集) 哑老婆 1/2次同床Thanks for your love 花香衬马蹄= Perfect matching 骨肉情深 魂断蓝桥 嬲缘Themismatched marriage 难为了妈妈 一代妖姬A strange woman 卓文君夜访相如Cheuk Man-kwan\'s night visit to Seung-yu 垃圾天堂Trashy heaven 香车美人 郎是春日风My love is like the wind of spring 为情颠倒Lovesick 拜错石榴裙 万里长城 黄飞鸿传四集:梁宽归天 花月又重圆Joyous reunion 黄飞鸿传第三集:血战流花桥 梁天来 粉阵迷龙 血染海棠红Blood will tell 肉山藏妲己 此恨绵绵无绝期 年晚钱Theendoftheyear means money 大凉山恩仇记The sins of our fathers 甘罗拜相Kam Luo, the new Prime Minister 玉面霸王= The handsome master 夜吊白芙蓉The night mourning of Pak Fu-yung 相依为命= Hanging on together 生死缠绵 司马夫大破蜜糖党 忍弃枕边人= Cast aside the beloved one 孤儿泪=Orphan\'s tears 海角沉冤 情僧 南海渔歌Fishermen\'s song of the South Sea 花街Theflower street 怪错有情郎The wrongly accused lover 孤雏泪=Anorphan\'s sad tale 人海万花筒 哪咤梅山收七怪 迫虎跳墙 御猫大战锦毛鼠 恩怨在今宵 拳头世界 情贼白菊花 三打祝家庄 女镖师 方世玉父子报血仇Fong Sai Yoke foo chee phor huit sow 步步高升Moving upwards 两个烟精扫长堤Two opium addicts sweep a long dyke 千古女儿千古恨Unconquerable devotion 大闹广昌隆  
